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I have more then 3 dias and i cant listen recording in pro version

When i log in my account on internet to listen the calls that my kid has made it sends mi to a white page and cant listen to anything.. I have more then 3 days that a cant listen to it and i dont want to used my kids phone to listen to the calls directly from there.. I paid the pro version but i still have this problem.. Is there a way you que send me by email the calls my kid made theses few days i need to listen to them.. Please fix this

Zastoch, 17.05.2016, 06:49
Response from the site administrator
teslineinc, 17.05.2016
Dear customer,
below this forum you can see our contact form. Use it to report the problem please. It will help us to find your device on server and to understand the problem.
Idea status: under consideration


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